Wednesday 29 August 2012

Biases from my fandom


U all cne hri ni? Sihat? ok..kalu x sihat tuh bwak-2 larh jumpe doktor ek..takot melarat pulak sakit tu~ nnti sape yg susah,mak n ayah korg jugak *just advice* :)
today, i just want to share about my bias! eceh~speaking lah pulak =P
para-2 kpopers kt luar sne msti ade bias punye lah..itu sudah jdik kmestian.. btul tak?! *angguk-2 pale*
actually..i have my own fandom that's mean aku lebih utmakan dorang.. INFINITE+EXO+BEAST is the best ever!! just nk introduce bias dlm fandom aku hehe.. bias yg aku pilih sndiri ni mmg Jjang!!

Firstly...Myungsoo/L from INFINITE! Omona~ L ni ultimated bias aku taw! don't steal him from me~ dlm INFINITE, bias aku ade sorg jer..dy cute kn?? hemm dh tau dh jwpn korang..mstilah cute kn? hehe :-p
pic di bawah mmbuktikan L mmg cute >__<

nak pengsan aku tgk GIF dy yg nih *_*

2. Gikwang from Beast <333
   bile dy smile,boleh buat sume pmpuan melt..haha mcm pic kt bawah ni *_*

3. Aku mmg rmai bias dlm group EXO ni..smpai ade masa tu aku tak tau nk pilih mne satu sbb dorg sume handsome-2! but now,i have make my decision my biases in EXO-K is leader Suho,maknae Sehun and rapper EXO-M is face of the group Luhan,vocal Lay and leader Kris <333

  Leader Suho..

Maknae Sehun<333

Rapper Chanyeol!~ :-*

Luhan..i like to call him LULU kkk

Lay!! i love his dimple kyaaa~

Leader Kris!! <333 his smile can kill me ^3^

ok..that's all! hopefully u all suke ^^v
btw, rsenye x terlambat utk sy ucpkn Salam Eid Mubarak to all of Muslim in the world!!

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